♂ Tusani Yeah Simba

Stud dog (2019/08)
Australian bloodlines
D.O.B.: 12.05.2016
Info: 67cm/40kg, nicely saturated wheaten, dark eyes, scissor bite, full dentition
X-Ray tests (in 3 years age): HD 0/0, ED 0/0, OCD 0/0, LTV-neg, SA-neg, L7 (normal)
Health: Allergy neg, Heart neg, Thyroid neg.
Genetic tests: MH-N/N, DM-N/N, D-lokus D/d, Hemofilia-B clear (non-carrier), EOAD clear, Juvenile myoklonic epilepsy – JME clear (non-carrier) [about tests]
Mental test: (RRSK 06/2019) Dignified, intelligent, friendly, no hint of aggression or shyness, gunshot proof. Well-behaved, good nature.
[PDF of Pedigree, Breeding exam, Healt and Genetic test’s certificates]

Tusani Yeah Simba
Simba lives in Bratislava. Owner: MUDr. Julius Figer, e-mail: julius.figer@gmail.com

CHAMPION RRSK (unoficial title)
BEST MALE of the Year 2019 RRSK
BEST MALE of the Year 2018 RRSK
2nd BEST J-MALE of the Year 2017 RRSK

Best male, BISS-18 at RRSK unoficial Annual Show 2018
Best male, r.BISS-17 at unoficial RRSK Annual Show 2017
awarded in competitions for Best head, Best ridge, Best movement


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Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
Tusani Yeah Simba
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