Rayridge Jared Boleyd


Russia x South Africa blood line
D.O.B.: 09.04.2012
Breeder: A. O. Lakoza, Russia
Owner: A. D. Mishina, Moscow, Russia
69cm/45kg, red-wheaten color, full dentition, correct eyes
X-Ray tests: HD 0/0, ED 0/0, OCD 0/0, LTV-neg, SA-neg, L7 (normal)
Health: Allergy neg, Heart neg, Thyroid neg.
Genetic tests: DM-N/N, MH-N/N, HUU-N/N, PRA-prcd N/N, Hemofilia-B clear (non-carrier), EOAD clear, Juvenile myoklonic epilepsy – JME clear (non-carrier) Colour Locus B (liver gene)- CARRIER (B/b), Fanconi Syndrome (non-carrier), Ridge gene (R/R)
Mentally test: Temperament test – T1, Gunshot proof
Titles: C.I.B. Interchampion, Multi J-Champion, Multi Champion, Multi CAC, CACIB, BIG & BIS Winner

Boy is the perfect dog in every sense of the word: calm, cute, friendly, active and a great companion. He has got everything it takes: nice healthy bloodlines and a gorgeous exterior. We are very happy to use this special BOY and thankful to Anastasia & Valeria for allowing us to use him for breeding.
photo source, more info



Boy as a puppy: