Rhodesian Ridgeback – Explanation of standard and judging Extensive methodical aid with detailed descriptions and illustrative examples in pictures and photographs. It is intended
Explanation of standard and judging
FCI Standard (original)
10.12.1996/EN FCI-Standard N° 146 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Language versions (EN) (Deutsch) (Espanol) (Francais) Explanation of standard and judging by Monika Tusanova ORIGIN: Southern Africa. Standard
Introduction to the Standard Interpretation
Explanation of FCI standard and methodology of judging Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! © Monika
Overall look of Ridgeback
Monika Tušanová, 10/2006 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Ako vyzerá pekný a využiteľný ridgeback? V
Ridge and its most frequent mistakes
Monika Tušanová, 1/2006 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Názov ridge Ridgeback má svoje meno podľa
Coat and color of Ridgeback
Monika Tusanova, © 2009 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Coat Štandard uvádza: „srsť by mala
Hindquarters of Ridgeback
Monika Tusanova, marec 2006 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Zadné (panvové) končatiny Zadné panvové končatiny
Forequarters of Ridgeback
Monika Tusanova, 2/2007 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Predné (hrudné) končatiny Predné hrudné končatiny tvoria:
Chest, front and top line
Monika Tusanova, 2/2007 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! TRUP HRUDNÍK Štandard vyžaduje, aby „hrudník nebol
Head and Neck of Ridgeback
Monika Tusanova, 1/2007 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Hlava a krk ridgebacka, tak ako to
Movement, motion mechanics
Monika Tusanova, 2018 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Štandard uvádza: „Priamy, voľný a aktívny“. Pre
Guide to Judging by Monika Tusanova, 2005
Monika Tušanová, 2005 Presentation the breed Rhodesian Ridgeback, its specifics, character traits and exterior. It focuses to the methodology for judging with many illustrative