Rhodesian Ridgeback African in Europe

Author: Monika Tušanová

Language: Slovak, Czech, Hungarian
Hardback 192 pages and more than 160 full-color photos and drawings.
ISBN 80-968209-0-7
© 1999 RICHTEX
SK, H, version sold out
CZ version last pieces
Order: www.abc4dog.com

e-Book version (to be published after the sold out)

To write the book inspired me my first dog, ridgeback and the fact that at that time (1999) there was no literature on breed. I myself was still a layman but all work progress gained knowledge and experience I have had the need to share.

At the time of writing the book it was in fact for some time now unimaginable without the Internet time. Information about the breed and its breeders beginnings were not available to collect and it is very difficult. All information was of personal contacts, for which it was necessary to travel, were in private archives and photo albums, which were given from hand to hand. Write a book was at that time the only way to the public to share knowledge about this wonderful breed.


My talking about Rhodesian ridgebacks I dedicate to my daughter Radka, which in the Encyclopedia of dogs showed this beautiful African Lion Dog. I dedicate this book to the memory of Asanta also – the mother of my first ridgeback Ador.

© Monika Tušanová, 1999