Monika Tusanova, 25.3.2002 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Čo je dermoid sínus a ako s
About Breeding
Livernose Ridgeback
Monika Tusanova, 8.11. 2001 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Ridgeback s hnedým nosom? Áno, tento
Ridge & Genetics
Monika Tusanová, 8.11.2003, updated 2018 by new knowledge in genetics Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks!
All about teeth…
Ridgeback with missing teeth at show ring and in the breeding. Monika Tusanova, 8.11.2001, continually updated Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak
Hip & Elbow dysplasia
Monika Tusanova, 16.7.2001 Hyp dysplasia Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Na obrázku sú 3 druhy
Kinked tail
Monika Tusanova, 11.10.2004 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Odkiaľ pochádzajú u ridgebackov zálomky na chvostíku?
Are You ready to the birth?
Monika Tusanova, 23.6.2008 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Minimum, ktoré musí chovateľ vedieť pred pôrodom
Breeder’s Diary
Monika Tušanová, 9/2008 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! V nadväznosti na Pregnancy kalendár, ktorý som
All about Birth & Maternal behavior
Monika Tusanova, 3.5.2008 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! O príprave na pôrod ako aj samotnom
Why RR-mother attacked a child
Monika Tusanova, 30.3.2007 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Reakcia na medializovaný prípad útoku RR na
e-Pregnancy kalendar
International project upgraded with the 19 new language versions is ready for the all breeders of the World. The PROJECT is LOCATED on,
e-Breeders Diary
International project upgraded with the 19 new language versions is ready for the all breeders of the World. The PROJECT is LOCATED on,
RR Breeders club and its role
Monika Tusanova, 6.10.2005, updated 12/2011 Slovak RR Breeders club and its role Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google
Blue Ridgeback (D-locus)
Monika Tusanova, 13.11.2015 Sorry, following text content is only in Slovak language, pls. use Google translator. Thanks! Keď chováme dlhšiu dobu a myslíme si,