Ador Bukama was our first ridgeback as well as a dog. He was a dog of exceptional character. He had a very calm and self-balanced nature. He was unique, very wise and big “Mr. Dog”. I am very grateful for beautiful nine years in his company. Ador made our family happier and also better. It is miracle to have, but very painful to lost a dog of such a great personality. Ridgebacks are the most pleasant companions and the most devoted creatures that a man can have. They fulfilled our life and gave a sense for each leisure moment. They inspired me to write a book and many other published studies and articles about the breed, to pass a hunting exams to work at Slovak RR club.
August 30, 1998, Mšec-Rakovník (CZ) – The first meeting of RR owners in Central Europe.
On the photo is RICHARD and our son MARKO.
Ador Bukama and Bongo z Dianskych luk are the 1st RRs
approved for hunting in the history of SK and Central Europe!
(report from the Hunting test)
The beginnings of our breeding
After a ripe consideration following deep knowledge I decided in 1999 for a stud of this wonderful breed.
Why Australia?
In 1998 a friend of mine, who was a judge to the RR Club show in Adelaide brought me a tape from this Show. This record contains about 200 dogs standing up, moving and detailed shots of the head. I was astonished by the type similarity as well as by the perfect leg angulatuion of all those dogs. This kind of balanced breeding and balanced character took my breath away and there was no doubt where my bitch is going to come from Australia!
I knew that Australians are very anxious about their dogs’ health, they follow both fulldentition and HD carefully as well as ellbows, eye and thyroid tests. Among all the continents they had the most type-balanced RR breedings. Untill last year I spent a lot of time studing pedigrees, the australian video, Internet etc. As the time passed by I started to define which dogs I´d like to have (and not to) in my bitch’s pedigree.
Following the bloodlines and their ancestors brought me to Ch. MACUMAZAHN PEARL JAM called Spice who I fell totally in love with. She charmed me by her “radiating” personality. Spice, together with her brothers and sisters, ancestors and offspring represent The perfect Rhodesian Ridgeback for me. They represent unity of beauty and intelligence. This kennel has managed to achieve a type-balanced, elegant, nice headed RR generation. I spent hours and hours watching the tape which contained spots with many of Spice´s ancestors and I must admitt those where the most beautiful and charming dogs I have ever seen in my life.
I was definetelly decided my puppy would be from Macumazahn – whatever it´s going to cost me!
Monika, Juny 2002
“SPICE” Macumazahn Pearl Jam, our Perla is carring her name.
“PERLA” Macumazahn Tusani Pearl, imp. 2002
fundation bitch of our kennel
Founding bitch of TUSANI breeding
Perla left us in her 12 years after a stroke … we will miss her. Not a day goes by that we do not mention it to her. She is the founder of our breeding. Piece from her is still alive and will live forever in our home and each other and other the children from TUSANI … forever.
In 2018 was released the 2nd edition of my book about ridgebacks, which I dedicated to her memory.
TUSANI’s 1st generation
Perla and her three daughters VIVI, CHILLI, ZAIRA which continues in our breedin
Perla and her three daughters, which continues in our breedin, March 2009
TUSANI A WHITE LADY “VIVI” (Macumazahn Tusani Pearl x Leoridge Bango)
TUSANI EXTRA CHILLI (Macumazahn Tusani Pearl x Stenänga Great G’s Chili)
TUSANI HAPPY ZAIRA (Macumazahn Tusani Pearl x Leoridge Musafah)
TUSANI’s 2nd generation
Daughters of VIVI, CHILLI and ZAIRA (from liters L, O, R, S) – Successors of our breeding
Vivi, Chilli, their daughters Melody, Paris, Rose
and little Sunny Pearl daughter of Zaira. September, 2014
TUSANI LADY MELODY (Tusani White Lady x Copyright Reserved Nyathi)
TUSANI O’LALA PARIS (Tusani Extra Chilli x Elangeni Lion Outof Africa)
TUSANI RED ROSE (Tusani Extra Chilli x Faira Arif Kamilifu)
TUSANI SUNNY PEARL (Tusani Happy Zaira x Kennebec’s Final Answer)
TUSANI JUNIOR’s 3rd generation
Son of MELODY, daughters of PARIS, ROSE and PEARL (fom litters X, Z, A, Junior C)
Successors of our breeding:
TUSANI X-CALIBUR RR (Tusani Lady Melody x Kadamo It’s Now or Never)
TUSANI JUNIOR CAMPARI (Tusani O’lala Paris x Gunthwaite Jack Swagger)
TUSANI ZIMBA BOO (Tusani Red Rose x Gunthwaite Jack Swagger)
TUSANI AWESOME VIVIEN (Tusani Sunny Pearl x Kangelani’s Perfect Choise)